Wearable Device Calibration System: StrongArm Tech

Calibration equipment was needed to verify the accuracy of the muti-axis recording system called the FUSE. This required a repeatable method that could test variables. This system would compare data with the FUSE.

The primary function of this calibration system is to accurately angle the white base plate with a stepper motor and have it record the event with a quadrature encoder. This would then be recorded onto a text file so other software can compare the accuracy.

A modified FUSE V4.75 was made to fit on the base plate holes so that we could test different angles and axis of the device. Because of its base plate design, this system is being used with updated FUSE versions.

After visiting StrongArm Tech months after my internship, I found that they still used this calibration system. They applied some updates for additional tests but still utilized my core system.